Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Goodnight Rose?

Welcome back everybody! After almost a year of hibernation i decided to start posting again. I found another free upload service so as long as this one stays put I'll be bringing you the jams. I've been to a decent amount of shows since our last visit but the most recent one i attended was the Ryan Adams & the Cardinals "retirement show" at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. First off I'd like to say that the show was amazing. It was one of those shows that you hoped would go all night. Unfortunately the Fox has a curfew so we only got about 2.5 hours of tunes. For a few weeks it appeared that Ryan was thinking about giving up music for good but as time went on it seemed that he was just retiring the Cardinals. Well I for one hope that the guy's not done with music and i look forward to seeing what happens next. For your listening pleasure here's the final song of the first Cardinals show i attended on 7/27/06 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Hope you enjoy.

What Sin (Live)